Laser Hair Removal

Our Inventory – The Best in City

(Professional & Trained Female Staff Available for Body Laser Hair Removal)

1) BIOS Multi-Wavelength American FDA  Laser Machine (Only one in Bahawalpur):

The top of its class , most superior laser machine to date. It combines all the necessary wavelengths to deliver astonishing laser hair removal effects. Specialized probes are capable of not only removing but styling beard lines, eyebrow lines and side burns. Attachments can be used to remove nose hairs and ear hairs as well. This machine is more powerful that most famous Diode, 3D and Soprano machines.

Face:10,000 Rs Per Session
Full Body: 30,000 Rs per session “LIMITED TIME OFFER” (does not includes sensitive or private pars)
Private/Sensitive parts: 10,000 Rs per session
Nose Hairs: 3000Rs Per session
Laser Shaping: 12,000Rs. (Includes beard shaping, eyebrow shaping, forehead and side burns)
Perianal Hair Removal: 5,000Rs per session (for clients with recurrent infections due to hair follicle infection)
For limited selected areas please discuss during appointment.

2) DPL FDA-USA Approved

This is one of the latest technologies that is the latest generation of Dynamic pulsed light lasers . Its results are unmatched and even Diode lasers can’t beat it.

Face: 7000 Rs per session
Full Body: 25,000 Rs per session (does not includes sensitive or private pars)
Private/Sensitive parts: 10,000 Rs per session
For limited selected areas please discuss during appointment.

3) IPL FDA Approved

A time tested IPL system is always the core of laser hair removal. A budget friendly and reliable system. Our IPL machines are superior to all as the equipment is FDA approved.

Face: 5000 Rs per session
Full Body: Not suitable
Private/Sensitive parts: 10,000 Rs per session
For limited selected areas please discuss during appointment.

Treatment Areas:

1. Face and Neck
2. Body
3. Private Parts
4. Sensitive Parts

Note: Hairs from genital areas can not be completely removed as the probes can’t be applied properly due to sensitive skin.

Question and Answers about Laser Hair Removal:

How many sessions are required?

Laser hair removal is a multi session treatment. Results depend upon many factors like the area being treated, hair texture, hair growth rate, skin type, timing of laser session, genetics towards being hairy, hormone profile etc. Maintenance or Touch-up sessions might be required in most cases.

How does the skin look immediately after the laser treatment?

There can be redness, swelling and slight pain after the treatment . But it all settles down withing 1 to maximum 3 days.

What is the time between sessions?

Sessions can be done after every 2 weeks or once a month.

Will trimming & shaving make hair texture thick?


Should hair be shaved off before coming for the laser treatment?

For body yes! get your hair removed first. Women with facial hair can come without shaving your hair so that best laser hair removal parameters can be decided accordingly. Generally it is better to use a razor or fine trimmer before getting laser hair removal session done. However keep pictures of recent growth in your phone so that we can see at what places the hair growth is more or less.

Can hair be bleached during laser Hair Removal session?

No ! not at all. No bleaching and no polishing

Can grey or white hair be treated with laser?

No. There is a different treatment for that. Best results can only be achieved if your hair are black.

Laser hair removal has any side effects? can it be done during pregnancy?

NO! no major systemic side effects have been noted and Yes it can be done in pregnancy as its only a superficial skin treatment.

May be an image of 2 people and text that says "Laser Hair Removal Results: After 12 sessions Topup sessions may be required after to 4 4 months interval to maintain further reduction of hair growth Before After Dr. Ummair Saeed Mian Consultant Dermatologist Skin Department National Orthopedic and General Hospital Bahawalpur For Clinical Appointment Call: 03345534441"May be an image of 2 people and text that says "Laser Hair Removal Results: After 8 sessions Topup sessions may be required after to 4 months interval to maintain further reduction of hair growth Before After Dr. Ummair Saeed Mian Consultant Dermatologist Skin Department National Orthopedic and General Hospital Bahawalpur For Clinical Appointment Call: 03345534441"May be an image of 2 people and text that says "Laser Hair Removal Results (male, upper arms, shoulders After 7 sessions back) Before After Dr. Ummair Saeed Mian Consultant Dermatologist Skin Department National Orthopedic and General Hospital Bahawalpur For Clinical Appointment Call: 03345534441"

May be an image of text that says "Laser Hair Removal Results After 10 sessions Before After Dr. Ummair Saeed Mian Consultant Dermatologist Skin Department National Orthopedic and General Hospital Bahawalpur For C”inical Appointment Call: 03345534441"No photo description available.No photo description available.

No photo description available.No photo description available.

Dr. Ummair