
What is a Botox Injection?

Botox is used for the treatment of fine lines, wrinkles , frown lines , crow’s feet etc. Botox is injected under the skin which causes relaxation or partial paralysis of the muscles which thereby reduced its movement and strength. Hence it smooths the skin, reduces wrinkles and fine lines.


Botox price is dealt in units used. Normally a session for upper face ranges from 15,000Rs to 25,000Rs for Korean Botox injections.

Original American Botox ranges from 50,000Rs to 75,000Rs  .

*Price is subjected to change according to dollar fluctuations .

How long do the results last?

Using Original American Botox Injection:

Within 5 to 6 days of the treatment, you start seeing minor differences in the lines on your face, ultimate results are seen after 7-20 days. The result can last up to 3 to 5 months. But results are different in every patient. With repeated Botox treatments, the result of Botox injections can last for longer periods.

Using Chinese , Korean or European Botox Injection:

Within 10 days of the treatment, you start seeing minor differences in the lines on your face, ultimate results are seen after 7-20 days. The result can last up to 3 to 4 months. Its hard to evaluate the goodness in results with these injection as everyone responds differently .

Are there any side effects of this procedure?

Minor side effects like burning, bruising can occur which disappears in few days.

In hands of an untrained doctor or injector, serious cosmetic disfiguring complications can arise, such as:

  • Eyelid/eyebrow drooping/ptosis
  • Facial asymmetry
  • Eyebrow mispositioning
  • In the long run, muscle atrophy can happen due to the over-dosage of Botox especially in the temporal area or around the eyes.
  • The body can stop responding to Botulinum toxin by producing antibodies against it if cheap botulinum was used for some time.
Dr. Ummair