Kybella-Fat Dissolving Injections

What are fat dissolving injections?

Let’s start at the beginning; if you haven’t heard of it already, intralipotherapy is a popular and relatively new treatment that’s used to target those pesky pockets of fat that gather on your stomach, thighs, upper arms, buttocks and back – and even your face.

The injection ‘dissolves’ and eliminates fat cells in a safe and effective way, making it perfect for dealing with stubborn fat that simply won’t budge, no matter how much you exercise.


Double Chin:
15,000 Rs Pers session
Body/Belly/Love Handles/Arms/Legs:
For larger areas price depends upon number of units and injections used. Ten Injection costs 15,000 Rs
Special package can be made for your needs as well.

*Prices are subjected to fluctuations in dollar and import tax rates.

How many sessions will you need?

For the best results, at  we recommend a course of at least 3-4 sessions, held 2 weeks apart. Of course, this is dependent on the amount of fat you want to remove, and the part of your body you’re targeting. For more information about recommended dosages you need to get checkup and consultation first.

What about any side effects?

As with any cosmetic treatment, there are a few side effects to be aware of, namely swelling. Intralipotherapy eliminates fat by causing an inflammatory reaction in the fat cells, which will naturally result in redness, swelling or bruising immediately after your appointment. It’s completely normal for skin to stay swollen for 3-5 days after the injection, and may even feel tender as late as eight weeks post-treatment.

To speed up recovery, we’d recommend avoiding hot showers or baths for 24 hours, refraining from using skin products, skin creams and exfoliants for at least a week, and taking a break from exercise for 10 days after your treatment.


Dr. Ummair