Advance Hair Mesotherapy

Questions and Answers

1. **What is hair mesotherapy?**
– *Answer:* Hair mesotherapy is a non-invasive cosmetic procedure that involves injecting a mixture of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and other active ingredients directly into the scalp to stimulate hair growth and improve hair health.
2. **How does hair mesotherapy work?**
– *Answer:* The injected solution in hair mesotherapy nourishes the hair follicles, improves blood circulation, and stimulates cellular activity in the scalp. This helps to strengthen existing hair, promote new hair growth, and prevent further hair loss.
3. **Who is a suitable candidate for hair mesotherapy?**
– *Answer:* Hair mesotherapy is generally recommended for individuals experiencing hair thinning, hair loss due to hormonal factors, or those with a genetic predisposition to hair loss. It is best to consult with a dermatologist or a qualified medical professional for an assessment.
4. **Is hair mesotherapy painful?**
– *Answer:* Hair mesotherapy is generally well-tolerated, but some individuals may experience mild discomfort during the procedure. Prior to the treatment, a numbing cream or local anesthetic may be applied to minimize any potential pain or discomfort.
5. **How many sessions of hair mesotherapy are typically required?**
– *Answer:* The number of sessions needed can vary depending on the individual’s specific hair condition and goals. Typically, a series of sessions is recommended, often spaced a few weeks apart, followed by maintenance sessions as advised by the treating professional.
6. **Are there any potential side effects of hair mesotherapy?**
– *Answer:* Common side effects may include minor redness, swelling, or tenderness at the injection sites, which usually subside within a few hours to days. Serious complications are rare but may include infection or allergic reactions.
7. **How soon can results be expected after undergoing hair mesotherapy?**
– *Answer:* Initial results can vary, but noticeable improvements in hair texture, thickness, and growth may be seen after a few sessions. However, long-term results may take several months to become fully evident.
8. **Can hair mesotherapy be combined with other hair loss treatments?**
– *Answer:* Yes, hair mesotherapy can be complemented with other treatments like topical minoxidil, oral medications, or low-level laser therapy for enhanced results. It’s important to discuss with a healthcare professional to determine the best approach.
9. **Is hair mesotherapy suitable for all types of hair loss?**
– *Answer:* Hair mesotherapy is most effective for androgenetic alopecia (common male or female pattern baldness) and other forms of non-scarring alopecia. It may not be as effective for conditions where hair follicles are permanently damaged.
10. **Is there any downtime after a hair mesotherapy session?**
– *Answer:* There is typically no significant downtime after a hair mesotherapy session. Patients can resume normal activities immediately after the procedure. It’s advisable to avoid vigorous scalp massages or hair treatments for a day or two following the treatment.
Remember, before undergoing any medical procedure, it’s essential to consult with a qualified healthcare professional who can provide personalized advice and guidance based on your specific situation.
Dr. Ummair