Scalp Micro-Pigmentation (SMP)

How does SMP work?

The goal of SMP isn’t to create hairlike lines as you would when microblading eyebrows, but instead to use tiny, layered dots in different hues of black to replicate the look of a shadow on your scalp. In short pigment is permanently added to skin to give a look of fuller hair .

Scalp Micropigmentation: The Ultimate Guide Through SMPScalp Micropigmentation - Specialised Technicians - Liverpool SydneyScalp Micropigmentation | ILuxe Glo

Who can can this treatment?

  • Alopecia patch
  • Thinning hair
  • Male and female pattern baldness

Is it painful?

It is same like microblading or semi permanent tattoo. So there is a degree of pain . Numbing cream is used 40min to 1hr prior to treatment.

How long the results last?

Results depend upon the quality of pigment. Normally the results last for 1 to 2 years.

What to care after treatment?

Avoid swimming, saunas, and steam rooms for 28 days after your final treatment.
Keep out of the sun for 28 days after treatment.
Avoid heavy exercise for five days after your final treatment.
Begin to regularly moisturize the treated area after the 5th day of your treatment.


Price depends upon the quality of pigment used and the size of area . It is hard to estimate price, it ranges from 7000 to 20,000Rs for limited areas.

Dr. Ummair