HIFU Sculpting


Worlds Latest 7D HIFU (High Intensity Focused Ultrasound) energy is one of the advance procedures affecting all the layers of the skin. As thermal energy safely heats this tissue, it contracts, resulting in tightening of the skin and formation of new collagen, which provides a longer-term tightening effect and a lifting effect at the same time.

What areas can be treated?

The jawline, nasolabial folds, neck folds, general fine lines and wrinkles on the face, droopy eyelids . The 7D HIFU Ultraformer machine can also be used on the body.

What happens after the treatment?

Slight pain may be felt for few days but its completely tolerable.

Is HIFU treatment painful?

It is sightly painful , but its well tolerated by all clients. we have never seen anyone who yet who due to pain couldn’t continue it.

When does the patient see results?

This takes time to show results, normally 10 to 15% results can be visible after the procedure. True results develop over time as old collagen is
replaced by the new collagen. The collagen regeneration process continues up to 6 months after initial treatment, patients see continuing
improvement over time. A maximum of two treatment are done in one year if needed.

How long does HIFU treatment take?

It depends upon the area, normally its a long procedure that may take up to 3hrs . So incase of lengthy treatment its broken down into days for convenience.

Are there any side effects?

Minor redness, swelling or pain might persist .

How many treatments are needed?

Two treatments per year are recommended.

What if someone uses cheap sub-standard HIFU machines?

Instead of remodeling the collagen it can actually destroy the collagen. Furthermore if the doctor is not trained properly this can cause scaring and

Dr. Ummair