Derma Facials

Hydrafacial & Beauty Unit, Skin Department
National Orthopaedic & General Hospital

HydraFacial is one of the most poorly understood procedure as it has become so common that every parlor , hair dresser and salon is offering it . A Dermatologist HydraFacial is a facial treatment using a patented device to deliver exfoliation, cleansing, extraction, and hydration to the face. This system uses a vortex swirling action to deliver hydration and to remove dead skin, dirt, debris, and impurities while cleaning and soothing your skin.

Most of the clients just see HydraFacial as a means to get white skin that beats the complete purpose of a HydraFacial.

For complete list of Offered services kindly use the menu tab and select a respective procedure from the list.

Dr. Ummair