Janssen Hydrafacial

We offer 100% Original Janssen products that are directly imported by us. We don’t use any product copies that are being used regularly at salons and other centers.

Janssen Nano- Infusion HydraFacial (15,000Rs)

  • Janssen Facial
  • Complete HydraFacial
  • Nano-Needling
  • Specialized Meso Serums
  • Meso-Whitening Mask

Janssen Facial HydraFacial (8,000Rs)

  • Janssen Facial Kit
  • Complete HydraFacial
  • Along with botanical mask

Janssen Facial without HydraFacial (7,000Rs)

  • Janssen Facial with hand massage (cleansing , scrubb, Massage, Mask)
  • No HydraFacial is done.
  • Botanical mask included

1. Advance booking is necessary for any service or package.
2. Skin checkup is not included in any of the above packages.
3. For any Hydrafacial it is not necessary to get skin checkup or examination first.
4. All facial steps are done by professionally trained female staff.
6. Every place offers different Hydrafacial , the steps and protocol is different for different centers . The HydraFacial steps and protocol that we follow is unique for our department, it cannot be compared to HydraFacaial offered by any other place.
7. HydraFacail steps are determined by your skin type . If we predict that a specific probe or step will not suit your skin it will be skipped.

Dr. Ummair