Pure HydraFacial

Pure HydraFacial is a process that includes probes of HydraFacial machine and serums only. No extra additive creams, or chemical compounds are used. It is best for Deep Hydration, Cleansing, Exfoliation and Rejuvenation.
(This is not a whitening process)

Price: 5000 Rs (this price is currently on summer concession)


  • O2 Spray
  • Urtrasonic Scrubb Cleaning
  • Suction with Hydrodermabrassion
  • Ultrasound Serum Absorption
  • Radio Frequency
  • Cold Hammer
  • Hydra Sheet Mask
  • LED Photodynamic Therapy


1. **Deep Cleansing**: HydraFacial deeply cleanses the skin, removing impurities, dead skin cells, and excess oils from pores. This helps to prevent acne breakouts and promotes clearer skin.
2. **Hydration**: The treatment utilizes a hydrating serum that infuses the skin with moisture, leaving it feeling refreshed and hydrated. This can improve the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, as well as plump up the skin for a more youthful look.
3. **Exfoliation**: HydraFacial includes exfoliation to slough off dead skin cells, revealing smoother, brighter skin underneath. This can improve skin texture and tone, giving you a more radiant complexion.
4. **Customizable**: The treatment can be tailored to address specific skin concerns, such as fine lines, wrinkles, hyperpigmentation, and uneven skin tone. This customization allows for targeted skincare solutions that meet individual needs.
5. **No Downtime**: Unlike some other facial treatments, HydraFacial typically requires no downtime. You can immediately return to your daily activities with no need for recovery time.
6. **Suitable for All Skin Types**: HydraFacial is gentle enough for all skin types, including sensitive skin. It can be adjusted to accommodate different skin sensitivities and concerns, making it a versatile option for many people.
7. **Visible Results**: Many people notice immediate improvements in their skin’s appearance after a HydraFacial treatment, including smoother texture, more even tone, and a healthy hydration. With regular treatments, you can maintain these results and continue to improve the overall health and appearance of your skin over time.
Dr. Ummair