Lip Blushing

What is lip blushing?

Lip blushing is a semi-permanent tattoo that can enhance the color and shape of your lips and give the impression of more fullness. This is done by depositing color ink into your lips and along your lip line to improve the overall look. The color is subtle to give natural-looking results.

How long does lip blushing last?

Some estimates say lip blushing can last about few month, but results can vary from person to person. Sun exposure and smoking can speed up how quickly your color fades.

What’s the procedure like? How much painful?

Unlike a regular tattoo that uses a needle to deposit ink, lip blushing uses a tiny blade to make cuts into your skin. Ink is deposited into each cut. It is relatively painful but use of numbing cream makes it tolerable. Expect discomfort and some extent of pain.

Only one session is enough?

No! In most cases top up sessions are required. That may range from 1 weeks to 3 weeks interval.

Dr. Ummair