PRP Facial

PRP Facial (  ̶1̶0̶,̶0̶0̶0̶ ̶R̶s̶  7,500 Rs)

  • Cleansing
  • Ultrasound Scrub
  • Ultrasonic Massage
  • Serum Cream Massage
  • O2 Spray
  • PRP Needling
  • Sheet Mask
  • LED (only used if you are not claustrophobic)


  1. Rejuvenates skin
  2. Reduces fine lines and wrinkles
  3. Skin brightening
  4. Skin collaged boost
  5. Best for skin health as its your own PRP
  6. Combination with Hydra Probes enhances results
  7. No Pain, No Long after care like in microneedling or vampire facial
  8. Reduces Pigmentation
  9. Safe

What is the difference between PRP microneedling and PRP facial?

In PRP facial microneedling is only done to penetrate the upper layers of skin , this procedure is combined with Hydrafacial steps as well to give a perfect combo. Whereas  in PRP microneedling much deeper session is done that requires longer time to heal.

Is it painful just like microneedling?

No because lower depth is used so there is no pain, you might only feel some stinging or burning sensation. This procedure requires no use of numbing cream.

How many sessions are required?

Depending upon skin condition multiple sessions are advised.

Dr. Ummair