Skin Whitening Injections


Uses of Whitening Injections and its effects:

  • Skin Whitening
  • Fatigue
  • Sexual Enhancement (especially in males)
  • Parkinson’s Disease
  • Depression
  • Cancer
  • Asthma (Chronic)
  • General Flu/Cold
  • Immune System Boost
  • Joint Pains
  • Anti-aging/Antioxidant
  • Migraine

    Other Benefits of Glutathione Injections

  • They make immune system stronger
  • They give increased energy to the body
  • They make the skin look brighter

*Packages & Price:

Packages depend upon quality of product & Kit used.

  1. Package 1: 5000 Rs per weekly session
  2. Package 2: 7500 Rs per weekly session
  3. Package 3: 9000 Rs per weekly session (includes extra booster)
  4. Package 4: 18,000 Rs per session (done after every 15 days/ two weeks. 2 session per month)
  5. Package 5: 65,000 Rs per session . two session done per month (Highest quality , suitable for models, showbiz etc.)
Note: Please fill and read the consent from before going for any whitening injections therapy.

Whitening Injections Consent

*Price are dependent on dollar rates and import taxes, for updated prices and availability please contact before booking.

Can I purchase kits directly and get injections done?

Yes! we provide the facility to buy kits online. Please visit our website to purchase kits online . Afterward you can get the IV drips therapy from any injector.

Most Recommended Kit is Bio-Rae which is no 1 whitening kit of South Korea. Session is done once in 15*20 days.

Most Recommended kit for weekly session is Miracle White.

Most Recommended kit that is economical is Lascorbine Platinum. Sessions are done weekly.

If you purchase any of above kits and get injections done at Skin Department NOGH the injection service cost is 1000 Rs per session .

Are there any side effects of glutathione injections ?

The injection is given in the right dosage according to the weight & height of patient they normally don’t have any major side effects. However blood tests are done on monthly basis to see if there is any reason for concern . Majority of injectors give cheaper injection and higher dosages to give whitening results to patients which is a major cause of side effects.

For how long therapy is continued ?

First 10 to 15 sessions are done regularly and afterwards booster or maintenance sessions are continued for years to maintain results. This therapy is continued life long as long as its required by the client.

How much color improvement will I get and in how much time?

This is different for different individuals. The exact time and sessions required cannot be guessed as its different for different individuals. The therapy will continue as long as you want the color to remain maintained. At max one or two shade of color will improve however is few individuals 3 to 4 shades gets better as well but such results are seen is less patients.

Dr. Ummair