Vampire Lift


Vampire Facelift also know as Vampire Facial. The Vampire Facelift uses the power of Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is blood plasma that has been enriched with platelets. When activated it contains high levels of several platelet-derived growth factors (cytokines) that may then be injected into the face in much the same manner as other dermal fillers.

As we begin to age, we experience a number of changes in our appearance.

Am I a candidate for Vampire Face Lift?

Yes you are if you have any of the following concerns

  • Suffer from acne scars
  • Are afflicted by hyperpigmentation
  • Want to reduce fine lines and wrinkles
  • Want tighter, firmer skin
  • Have uneven skin tone
  • Are not ready for a facelift
  • Have dry skin
  • Feel your skin looks older than it should

Is it painful?

It may be mildly discomforting. Numbing cream is used 30 to 40 min prior to treatment that reduces the pain. There have been no complains yet of any pain issues.

What will happen after the procedure?

Your face will get red and swelled which is absolutely normal. It will get better in less than a week.

What results should I expect?

The results depends upon how advance package are you paying for . Vampire Lift bears following results

  • Increased Collagen Production. Around the age of 25, your body’s
  • collagen production rate drops drastically.
  • Reduced Fine Lines and Wrinkles.
  • Tighter, Firmer Skin.
  • Improved Moisture Retention.
  • Enhanced Skin Tone and Texture.
Dr. Ummair